Mini Grant Application

Crime Prevention Mini Grant Application

The Crime Prevention association of Michigan has developed a mini grant program. The grants can be used

for a new or existing program that supports Crime Prevention.

To be eligible for the Crime Prevention Association of Michigan Mini-Grant program the applicant must:

  1. Be a CPAM member for one year prior to applying for the mini-grant And have attended at least one quarterly meeting in the previous 6 months to apply for a grant.
  2. Up to $350.00 may be requested by the applicant and the CPAM grant committee has the authority to award up to that amount.
  3. Only one mini-grant may be awarded during a 6 month period per agency.
  4. When possible, CPAM should be mentioned when promoting the program.
  5. A post project report is required at the next meeting. It is encouraged that this is done in person but if not possible a written report shall be given.

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